
ReferNet je mreža institucija koja pruža informacije o nacionalnim sustavima strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja u zemljama članicama EU, Islandu i Norveškoj.


CEDEFOP (Europski centar za razvoj strukovnog obrazovanja) je europska agencija koja promovira razvoj strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja u EU.

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The Delphi Economic Forum is a high level conference convening business, government and researchers to foster d

The Turkish Employment Agency (ISKUR) supports high school graduates in the University entrance examinations and in career decisions, completes Turkish sign language seco

In response to a pressing need for more healthcare workers – particularly in care of the elderly – the Danish government has entered into a comprehensive agreement to bolster vocational training in

The 2023-24 update of Cedefop’s European database on apprenticeship schemes offers the latest, in-depth information on