
ReferNet je mreža institucija koja pruža informacije o nacionalnim sustavima strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja u zemljama članicama EU, Islandu i Norveškoj.


CEDEFOP (Europski centar za razvoj strukovnog obrazovanja) je europska agencija koja promovira razvoj strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja u EU.

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Stakeholders across Europe see a steady progress towards increased transparency of qualifications, especially in the formal education and training domain.

Representatives from 23 European Union Member States have met to prepare the 2025 release of Cedefop’s Skills forecast

Vocation education and training (VET) systems across the EU are affected by the constant changes in the economy, society and labour market, so making them agile and flexible is of paramount importa

In August 2023, the Latvian and German education ministries signed a declaration of cooperation in the fields of vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning.