
ReferNet is a network of national partners representing all Member States of the European Union, Iceland and Norway, set up in 2002 by Cedefop.


Cedefop, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, supports the development of European vocational education and training (VET) policies.

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Flexible learning programmes in Hungary have seen a significant rise in student participation and the earning of partial qualifications since legal changes in July 2023.

The MCEU Hospitality project addresses the transformative potential of digital microcredentials (DMCs) in the hospitality industry and aims to develop microcredentials to support hospitality worker

Slovakia has faced a significant population decline with the number of births dropping to less than half, from over 100 000 in the 1970s to just 48 627 in 2023.

The Community Education Framework is an important step forward for community education in Ireland.